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Interview Tip

Interviewer said, "I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question. Think well before you make up your mind!"

Interviewer said, " I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question. Think well before you make up your mind!"

The candidate thought for a while and said, " My choice is one really difficult question."" Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice!" said the interviewer.

Here is your question: " What comes first, Day or Night?"

The boy was jolted into reality as his admission depended on the correctness of the answer to that one question. He thought for a while and said, " It's DAY sir!"" How?" the interviewer asked." Sorry sir, you promised me that you will not ask me a SECOND difficult question!"

Moral : Technical Skill is the mastery of complexity, while Creativity is the mastery of simplicity

Q & A ~ Try it

1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms.The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?

2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

3. There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug?

4. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?

5. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?


See the answers below....


1. The third. Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead.
2. The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.
3. Freeze them first. Take them out of the jugs and put the ice in the barrel. You will be able to tell which water came from which jug.
4. The answer is Charcoal.
5. Sure you can: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow!

10 Worst URL's

1. A site called 'Who Represents' where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name... wait for it... is:

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at:

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at:

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at:

5. Then of course, there's the Italian Power Generator company:

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales, Australia:

7. If you're looking for computer software, there's always:

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is:

9. Then, of course, there's these brainless art designers, and their whacky website, Speed of Art:

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at:

Tips to Get Rid of Pimples

Most of the pimple products on the market are just there to rip you off. There is no guaranteed cure for pimples, and there probably never will be. Keeping your face clean and moisturized is about the most important thing you can do.

Drink 8 or more glasses of water a day.Sleep more.

Your body will be more prepared to deal with problems.

Avoid touching your face, as this just spreads bacteria.

Only use oil-free products on your face.

Always use toner and moisturizerWash your hands often to rid them of oils.

Vinegar works well, too.Try Off EZY Wart Remover with 17% salicylic acid medication to each pimple individually. Do not use it everywhere, as it will sting. Apply calamine lotion around the area.

See a doctor about serious acne.

Try not to wear makeup. It clogs pores and can lead to breakouts.

Eat foods high in protein, iron, fiber, and zinc.Give the treatments time. An acne treatment is not going to work "just like that."

Avoid the use of products with 10% or greater concentration of Benzoyl Peroxide. BP is known to cause dryness,itchyness, and burning sensation of the skin. Consult a medical professional if you experience any of these symptoms.

Accutane is a wonder drug for acne it can almost wipe out breakouts with a 3-6 month treatment and can last anywhere from 1 year to a lifetime!

Wash your face and put baby powder on the area. It's the fastest way to dry those pimples out and get rid of them. Baby powder works like a charm.

If you have pimples that you want to get rid of fast, put ice on them for 30-60 seconds every 30 minutes. And then apply rubbing alcohol.

WarningsToothpaste doesn't really work. It's supposed to but doesn't make a noticeable difference.

Don't scratch or pick at your pimples. It will only make the situation worse. Only pop pimple if they are very white and fixing to explode; even then one should wash their hands and avoid having to apply too much pressure.

Don't wash your face too often--it can dry out your skin and cause irritation.

Interesting Facts about Girls.

1. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.

2. When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with an apology.

3. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship' s over.)

4. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys.

5. When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she will melt.

6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually not sure how to react to them.

7. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare ok?

8. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently.

9. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her.

10. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry, drawing sand writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals).

11. Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.

12. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

13. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act look uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news.

14. A smile means a lot to a girl.

15. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.

16. If a girl says she can't go out with you because she has to study, leave.

17. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay.

18. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her.

19. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.

20. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before.

21. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl, read romance stories.

22. When class pictures come out, a girl would first check who is standing next to her crush before actually looking at herself.

23. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart.

24. Girls love having fun!

25. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.

26. A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through.

27. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend.

28. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl, in that order.

29. Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them.

30. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved.
One fine day, a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus, and drove off along the route. No problems for the first few stops - a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well.
At the next stop, however, a big hulk of a guy got on. Six feet eight,built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground. He glared at the driver and said, "Big John doesn't pay!" and sat down at the back.
Did I mention that the driver was five feet three, thin, and basically meek? Well, he was. Naturally, he didn't argue with Big John, but he wasn't happy about it. The next day the same thing happened - Big John got on again, made a show of refusing to pay, and sat down. And the next day, and the next.
This grated on the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of him. Finally he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo, and all that good stuff.
By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; what's more, he felt really good about himself. So on the next Monday, when Big John once again got on the bus and said, "Big John doesn't pay!"
The driver stood up, glared back at the passenger, and screamed, "And why not?"
With a surprised look on his face, Big John replied, "Big John has a bus pass."

Lesson: "Be sure there is a problem in the first place before working hard to solve one."

Commandments of Marriage

Commandment 1 => Marriages are made in heaven. But so are thunder and lightning.

Commandment 2 => If you want your wife to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say; talk in your sleep.

Commandment 3 => Marriage is grand -- and divorce is at least 100 grand!

Commandment 4 => Married life is very frustrating. In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.In the third year, they both speak and the neighbours listen.

Commandment 5 => When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: Either the car is new or the wife is.

Commandment 6 => Marriage is when a man and woman become as one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one.

Commandment 7 => Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you say. After marriage, he will fall asleep before you finish.

Commandment 8 => Every man wants a wife who is beautiful, understanding, economical, and a good cook.But the law allows only one wife.

Commandment 9 => Marriage and love are purely matter of chemistry. That is why wives treat husbands like toxic waste.

Commandment 10 => A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished.

New Element Found

Element : WOMEN
Symbol : WO+
Atomic mass : Accepted as 53.6 Kg; isotopes may vary.
Occurrence : Copious quantities in all urban areas.

1. Boils at room temperature
2. Freezes without any known reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter, if incorrectly used.
5. Sweet as Honey if given a proper treatment.

1. Have great affinity for Gold, Silver and a range of precious stones and absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
2. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no known reason.
3. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.

1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when happy.
2. Turns green when placed behind a better specimen.

Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained at different locations as long as specimens do not come in direct contact with each other.